March 19,2025--Vance
Please keep well and take good care of yourself. We love your work!
February 26,2025--Michael Bare
Really love all the aftermarket heads and parts for older kits you offer. Can't think
of any one thing but keep on doing what you do so well. Glad you're feeling better.
Much appreciated! It's nice to know I have people watching out for me.
February 25,2025--Louis Morizio
I would love to see a new kit of Samara from The Ring, crawling out of the TV set.
That would be cool, and I do love The Ring. You never know, maybe someday.
February 25,2025--Mezzeppa
I'm most afraid of Shadow people...+a kit made featuring them would be AWESOME!
Sorry, I'm not sure if I understand the reference. Some kind of creepypasta thing, perhaps?
February 25,2025--Kevin
Glad to hear you're back! Hope all is well, we all missed you...:)
Thank you!
February 21,2025--Eric Ronson
I'm sooo impressed with your products! I will be making several purchases SOON!
Thank you, Eric, I appreciate it.
February 4,2025--Patrick Murphy
How about a classic Carrefour zombie? Maybe more dynamic, holding a machete or sickle.
And how about a Mad Ghoul figure munching on a heart? With a few tweaks, neither would
require licensing.
I had to look up the Carrefour zombie. I do have to say I love the movie "I Walked with a Zombie"
but I'm not sure how well that subject matter  would go over with modern audiences. I'd have
to ask around a bit. As for the Mad Ghoul, that sounds pretty neat. I'll think about it.
January 31,2025--Kevin
How about a Frankenstein Monster series of 1/8 scale figures from Boris Karloff to
Glenn Strange?
That's the kind of stuff I've enjoyed for decades, and in fact the Strange Frankenstein
I put on the market some years back went over very well. So we'll see. For now, my lineup
through 2025 is pretty well set and I'm not even sure I'll have time to remold the one I have.
January 17,2025--Eric T
Can we get a 2024 Yagher Eggers Nosferatu ?
I couldn't say what Jeff might have in the works. I'd hoped to do an Eggers Nosferatu with
Michael Berglund but personal issues forced me to back out of that. The kit is instead
available from Pestilence Labs.
January 6,2025--Will Campbell
It will b cool if you do wolf man Model Kit from 1941
Thanks for checking in Will. The '41 Wolf Man kit has several renditions out there done by
some outstanding sculptors, like Jeff Yagher & Adam Dougherty. You may find one available
on Ebay or check into the and see if one of the members is willing to part
with one.
December 24,2024--Dan
Hello! I love your site. HS anyone ever made a Henry Frankenstein and Dr. Pretoria’s
figures in the same scale as the Aurora Bride of Frankenstein model ?
It would be terrific to have them done.
There was a set offered many years back but I don't remember who produced them.
The Bride kits are so hard to get for decent prices these days that I doubt Escape Hatch
will be in a position to offer such figures anytime soon, but you never know.
Thanks for the suggestion.
December 24,2024--Bruce Horton
Great parts, kits and service. Escape Hatch Hobbies rocks!
So do you, Bruce! Thanks.
December 24,2024--Gerry-Lynn
Just keep doing what you do. The conversions are great. The thinking out side of the box
and new kits not in the main stream. With Michael and Rob designing kit, etc. just fuels
the mind to create. Thanks for what you guys do.
Very much appreciate that, Gerry-Lynn. Happy 2025!
December 24,2024--Kevin
"Merry Christmas to All and to All a Better Year!"
God bless us, every one!
December 23,2024--Al Pettiford
For God's sake, do a Claude Rains Phantom replacement head.
How about a whole Rains Phantom figure?
December 20,2024--Kevin
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and a better New Year.
Much appreciated! Same to you and yours.
October 22,2024--Kevin
Hey! 3-D kits, resin kits are good for me! NO RECASTS...
September 29,2024--Leonard From Nashville Tn
You have some really great kits the only thing lately that I find a little upsetting is that
everybody is going to 3-D it seems no one is using resin anymore which is sad but I guess
you have to go with the times. I just wish you could produce More resin kits i’m glad I live
close to Louisville because wonder fest is a fabulous place to find kits of all kinds.
Keep up the good work guys.
I'm jealous of your proximity to Louisville. I made it to WonderFest in 2023 but don't know
when I'll be able to go back. As for 3D kits, I do understand why some people aren't happy
with the changes. For me, though, the change has allowed Escape Hatch to thrive and take
chance on subjects I would not have considered if I'd had to undertake the time, expense
and risk of making silicone molds and resin castings. Lots more in the works, perhaps some
of it will catch your eye. Thanks for the note.
September 10,2024--Rafael Chevere
Love your product awesome sculptures.
We love that people love them. Thanks for getting in touch :)
August 18,2024--Fred Lewis
Not much to say other then I love your parts for older kits! I have ordered several
from you as well as the full resin kits too.
You said a lot, Fred. Thanks.
August 4,2024--Kevin
Hey there! Hope all is well, How about a 1/8 scale figure of the Classic "Rocketman...?"
The one from 1949...!?!
Thanks for the suggestion, Kevin. I assume you're talking about the character from
"King of the Rocket Men." Isn't that also the design of Commando Cody?
We'll think about it!
August 19,2024--Kevin
Reply to Aug. 4 message: Yes, they are the same rocket suit...
July 30,2024--Gary S.
Hey guys! Monster from Hell just arrived and it's jaw-dropping! I was a little kid in the 60s
and was there when Aurora started releasing the Universal monster kits. The fact that
they're still being produced to this day is a testament to how cool they are. That said, I
consider Escape Hatch the Aurora of the 21st century. Outstanding quality and great
subject matter! Keep doing what you do and my display cases will be GROANING under
the weight of your models! Thanks!!!
Gary, you've made my day. Thanks for the very kind words. I hope you enjoy what we have
in the works for the rest of 2024.
July 22,2024--captbilly
I only clicked this because I thought this was a survey. I am perfectly happy with everything.
I have not ordered from you, not because I don't love your products. I am VERY slow to
build models, and still at starter level, but I plan on ordering Dracula heads in the future,
because I have 2 Dracula re-issues with those terrible balloon heads. Please keep me on
the e-mail list, I love getting them, Thank you
We are glad you are enjoying our products and we would never drop you from our list. If you
are just starting out with styrene kits, we recommend sites like the you
can get great tips from some very friendly modeler's to help beginners. And don't forget we
want to post your first completed kit, with our parts, to the Gallery.
July 18,2024--Steve Damaska
I really appreciate your kits from lesser-known films like Curse of the Faceless man, etc.
I am looking forward to ordering some of your replacement heads and kits later this year.
We are glad you are enjoying these Aurora scale kits and look forward to supplying you
with more fun stuff in the coming months.
July 14,2024--Bob
When is the London After Midnight model due out please? It's been 'teased' for awhile!
We're working on it. There's some extra coordination required and it's been difficult to
get it all done. But hoping for this fall. Sorry for the long wait.
July 12,2024--Gary S.
Sheesh, I'm absolutely losing my mind over the Hammer kits and the
Saturday Morning kit!!! If you guys are gonna dip your toe in the Hammer pond again,
how 'bout a kit of THE GORGON for the Ferocious Females series? The 14-year-old
geek in my head can't hold still! HAH!
The Gorgon is a possibility! Thanks for getting in touch.
July 12,2024--Ken Kwilinski
I am surprised a kit of The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. Has never been done. It could be an
addition to the old Aurora UNCLE kits. One that could connect with the “wall” of the
old Aurora ones. It would be like a connection to those old kits. Of coarse she would
need to resemble Stefanie Powers, the actress that played April Dancer in
The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. Just a suggestion for Escape Hatch Hobbies.
I confess I've never even heard of The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. but will look it up.
Thanks for the suggestion!
July 9,2024--Mike Evans
These Kits are awesome..... highly detailed super easy to build ... keep them coming!!
We certainly will ! Thanks
July 4,2024--Kurt
I very much appreciate Escape Hatch for providing us builders & painters
some offbeat and eye-opening kits & accessories.
Thanks for the feedback, Kurt.

June 28,2024--Steve Damaska
I appreciate your available products that give me the chance to do projects
I have wanted to do for a long time. I will be visiting your website to place
orders around my birthday and Christmas!
Thanks for the note! We always get a kick out of seeing what people do
with our products, so please share photos of your birthday and Christmas
projects when you have them.

June 15,2024--Anon.
Hello again! Would like to respond to a suggestion from 'Kevin' on May 20th asking
for the alien creep from SPACE PROBE TAURUS. That thing gave baby boomers
nightmares and was recycled into another flick called WIZARD OF MARS.
If Mike Berglund ever wants to tackle this, promise us that he'll do the guy's tongue
sticking out...that image messed up LOTS of kids in the 60s!
That might be right up Michael's alley. I'll pass along the suggestion.
June 13,2024--Charles
Would love to see 1/8 scale, Aurora style Rocky Horror Picture Show kits.
I'm reluctant to dash any hopes, but truth is that it's unlikely you'll  ever see a kit of
Tim Curry in a corset from Escape Hatch. Sorry.
June 11,2024--Kevin
How about a 1/8 scale kit of the monster from Horror of Party Beach!
And please put the Hot Dogs in his mouth instead of teeth!?!
Added 6/12: They're not actually hot dogs but looks like them! Hot dogs or pickles...
Hot dogs? I haven't seen the movie, does the monster have hot dogs in his mouth?
We'll put it on the list of possibilities. Thanks!
June 11,2024--Anon.
Why are your prices so high on your models. I love building monster models
and I love your Wolf Woman, but $140 bucks is way out of my range. Why so high?
Sorry to disappoint you, but it's common for garage kits to be more expensive than
mass-market plastic models. Believe it or not, we're hardly rolling in dough.
Escape Hatch does offer some cheaper options, as do some other producers.
June 11,2024--Ken Kwilinski
Another kit suggestion from me.... The Astounding She-Monster. It would have
to be something that makes her look menacing. After all she's just a woman in
a skin-tight glittery outfit who has "the-touch-of-death". So far love the
Wasp Woman and Terror From The Year 5000 kits. Keep um coming!
I passed along the suggestion to Michael Berglund. If Year 5,000 sells decently,
well, you never know.
June 11,2024--Brian
Nobody has ever kitted up the She Beast.
I don't know if I'd ever heard of her but looked her up. Creepy. I'll pass that suggestion
to the sculptor, Michael Berglund.
June 11,2024--Kev TK
Received and built your Trog kit. Terrific! Made in 1970, I was around for the
movie, but don't remember ever seeing it. But with the little nugget that the
Trog suit was taken out of the dumpster for the movie, made it odd ball
enough that I had to build it. I just love the odd...
We love the odd as well. Very glad you enjoy the kit. Thanks for the note. 
May 29,2024--Kevin
Would like to see a 1/8 kit of Ghost of Frankenstein holding little Ann Galloway
in his arms!
I'll put that on the list of possibilities. Thanks for the suggestion!
May 28,2024--Gary S.
WOW!!! Just got the TROG kit and it's FANTASTIC. I thought the Wasp Woman and
Octaman kits were cool. This ranks with the best of them! Since I just retired, here's
my bucket list of monsters I'd like to see realized as kits... The Hideous Sun Demon,
a hyper-accurate Green Slime monster, the Horror of Party Beach critter with a
mouthful of hot dogs, the Projected Man (his face will give you bad dreams), the
Chlorophyl Man from John Ashley's awful Blood Island flicks, the monster from
Night of the Blood Beast (part bear, part parrot, all creepy) and the mutant from
Terror From the Year 5000. That ain't much to ask, is it? Hahaha.
We're delighted that you like the Trog kit and thank you for your business. I'll pass
along all of those suggestions to Michael Berglund, who very much enjoys these
subjects. If you're not already familiar with
Chris Wooten's Terror from the Vault,
you might want to check out the
Green Slime offered there. It might not be the
hyper-accurate kit you hope for, but it's very neat nonetheless.
May 28,2024--Al Pettiford
I think you should do a Claude Rains Phantom replacement head, it’s a no brainer.
That's been on the list of possibilities for years, although there never seems to be
quite enough money in the budget to make it happen. We'll see what we can do.
Thanks for the suggestion.
May 28,2024--Dave
Really like the replacement heads - keep it up! Full kits are great, too!
Appreciate the feedback, Dave. Guys like you keep us trying hard.
May 20,2024--Kevin
Just ordered the TROG kit, looks great... Would like to see more kits of
rare figures like the alien from "Space Probe Taurus" that would cool in a 1/8 scale.
Thanks for ordering Trog! Never heard of "Space Probe Taurus" but we'll check it out.
Thanks for the suggestion.
May 18,2024--Mike
Cereal Monster sets!!!!
We've taken the Morning Monsters off the market for now, I'm sorry to say, because of
production issues. We'll re-evaluate them sooner or later.
May 18,2024--Dr. Paul N. McKenzie
More, more, more.. your parts open up a door to kits we always wanted,
but never received!
We're glad you enjoy them. We're pondering more replacement parts projects.
Do you have any suggestions?
May 17,2024--Gary S.
I love your merchandise! I've never been disappointed with the goodies I buy.
Just ordered the TROG kit and wanted to suggest another 'grade Z' kit to
produce...the monster from 'Blood Waters of Dr. Z.' The movie was craptastic
but that monster was actually pretty cool! Just my two cents.

Never heard of it! But you're right, that monster has potential.
Passed along the idea to Michael Berglund. Thanks!
May 12,2024--Anton Phibes
I loved your Wasp Woman. Literally a dream kit for me in a nice scale.
Dracula's Daughter would be another in this scale that I would love.
As well as a Chaney Kharis to match Glenn Strange Frankenstein.
Looking forward to Wonderfest.
I'm glad you like the Wasp Woman. She's been a great seller for Escape Hatch.
I'll pass along the Dracula's Daughter suggestion to sculptor Michael Berglund.
You might be interested in knowing he already has two
more Ferocious Female
figures almost ready to go on the market. And you
never know, I'm a big fan of
Kharis as well and he's long been on my production wish list. As for WonderFest,
I'm sorry to say Escape Hatch won't be able to get there this year.
We hope for a return in 2025.
Apr. 14,2024--Dr.Greg
Hi - I love your site. have you ever considered selling STL files of some of
your merchandise?
I'm glad you like the site. Yes, we have considered the possibility of selling STLs
and have decided against it.
Apr. 14,2024--Tim Thompson
Is there any chance we will be seeing any of the replacement heads that have been
"temporarily" out of stock, anytime in the near future? I've been waiting for the
Count Orlok head since the kit was released last's frustrating but I know
you guys are super busy...I love this shop so much, you guys are amazing!
Thanks for the kind words! Most of the "out of stock" sets will probablyreturn when I can
get time to remold them, although the Orlok head is a special case. That particular piece
was created from the original
Nosferatu sculpture by Jeff Yagher, which was then the
property of the late Denis McDougall, who was sort of a co-producer on that project.
Since Denis's passing, I've been reluctant to return the replacement head to the market.
But maybe it's time to make that happen; I'll give it serious thought.
Apr. 12,2024--Steve Marciante
You guys are doing a fantastic job in the after market world please keep up the
good work I have to get settled into my new house with a new work shop and I
will be getting more products from you thank you for all you do for this hobby.
Thanks Steve, we appreciate you too.
Apr. 12,2024--Tom
Hello. Any chance of a new sculpt for Mr. Hyde’s left arm ? That hand has bugged
me since the sixes.
Honestly, it never occurred to me, and I think you're the first person to ask.
I'll think about it !
Apr. 7,2024--Hammerfan
Love your website! Love your variety of fabulous kits? Have bought a few resin
add ons for existing kits and they’re great! Keep ‘em coming!
Thanks, we will try to keep the website fun and introduce new product to keep
you coming back.
Apr. 4,2024--Bob
London After Midnight due anytime soon? It's been in the "Coming Soon" area
for a while. Thank you!
I bought a Lon Chaney Phantom replacement head from you and it's FANTASTIC!
Apologies for the extended "coming soon" period. The London After Midnight
really is progressing; it's just been very slow. That's in part
because of the
art elements, which have to be coordinated with Rainer
Engel, who lives in Germany.
It's taking me a long time to get Rainer
everything he needs, but it's getting closer.
Right now, my hope if for
a late summer/fall 2024 release. Glad you like the Chaney head!
Mar. 30,2024--Johnny Por Favor
Love your products ! I'd love to see an Aurora Original Box Art tribute kit of Batman.
Tony Cipriano is working on a series of Aurora superhero box-art kits and
what we've seen so far is terrific. As for Aurora fantasy kits, we agree, they'd be fun.
There are some possibilities in the works; we'll say more if and when they take shape.
Mar. 30,2024--One of many
I like where Johnny is going. How about an Aurora Box Art Superman or
Aurora Fantasy Kits like the Flash or Phantom. There are so many ideas
in Aurora Fantasy kits from monsters to heroes.
See reply above
Mar. 23,2024--Matthew S. Holder
Though...? New heads for Aurora/Monogram/Revell..."Superman"...or new parts
to make Superman into Shazam (a.k.a. Captain Marvel)
Sorry to say that the Aurora superheroes, including Superman, are unlikely subjects
for Escape Hatch projects at this time unless a sculptor brings us a pre-existing piece
he wants to see on the market,
which is what happened with Rob Mattison's Batman
head. The DC Comics
superhero kits haven't been reissued since, I believe, the 1990s.
If the
kits aren't easy to find in significant numbers at decent prices, the
odds against
making back the cost of commissioning a replacement part and getting it on the market.
Mar. 23,2024--Craig
Would love to see you offer a 3D printed Escape Hatch door (your logo) in various sizes
for diorama builders & gamers.
Oh, one more thing, how about some soldiers, civilians, executioner, etc. to round out the
scene for the Aurora  guillotine kit ? It's an odd kit by itself with just the guy lying there.
Offering an escape hatch through Escape Hatch is a neat idea, but a bit outside our
usual projects. We'll keep it in mind. As for the soldiers, etc., to round out the
Guillotine kit, we did consider it but backed off for financial reasons. The cost of
commissioning a good sculptor to create so many unique figures is going to run
in the thousands of dollars, and unfortunately the Escape Hatch budget was tied
up in other projects.
Mar. 23,2024--Jeff
Loved the Ferocious Females kits - more B movie kits of this quality and in this scale
please and with UK distribution!!!
We're glad you like them! More are in the works. Escape Hatch does sell directly to the
U.K. but we know shipping prices are intimidating. Unfortunately, the U.K. distributor we
work with most has found it too financially risky to stock our larger scale pieces.
Mar. 6,2024--That Wily Otter
Love this site! Have gotten some great custom pieces from here! Great stuff !
And we love you too ! Thanks.
Mar. 5,2024--Charles Meadows
Love your products have built quite a few 1960s Models using tour heads. Would like
to see your replacement bases get restocked, I have been looking for the Dracula
replacement base for many months.
Mar.13--We are amending our previous response due to the untimely and unfortunate
passing of Rick Evans. Rick was the sculptor/supplier for the bases as well as other items.
Sadly we will not be able to stock them any longer.
Any chance of a reissue of the “angry man” replacement head for the hulk kit?
Sorry, it doesn't seem likely at this time.
Feb.17,2024--John Delgado
Bought several products from Escape Hatch....All excellent!
And we appreciate your business.
I absolutely love this site and all the items offered !
Thank you ! We will try to keep you coming back for more.
Feb.1,2024--Steve Walsh
What a fun site and your range of replacement parts and full size kits is terrific.
The fun is what makes it worth it for us too.
Absolutely floored by your merchandise and website.Hoping to be able to afford
one of your kits soon !
Thanks, we appreciate the patronage.
Jan.31,2024--Bob Fisher
Great site & great products. I like that I can get products to enhance or outright
mod the project I'm doing.
Thanks! Replacement parts remain Escape Hatch's bread and butter, although we're
running a little thin on ideas lately so, please pass along inspirations if you have them.
Howdy! Would really like to see you make a kit of the old
Rocketman vs. The "Water-Heater" Robot... Would be awesome!
That's a new one for me. I just looked it up and that robot is indeed spectacular.
We happen to have a project in the works to get some formerFuturistic Robots kits
back on the market, revised for the Escape Hatch crowd. Keep an eye out for
those, you might enjoy them.
Jan.26,2024--Pat Nolan
Not sure if this is what you want being I have not purchased anything from as
of yet but every time I check out your website or click from the emails I am just
floored at what you produce. I have many models I need to sit down and build but
I promise when the time comes I will be purchasing a bunch of upgrades from you.
Thank you
We never get tired of comments like that. Much appreciated!
I love the magic you do!
Please consider adding Dracula’s Daughter and more Bela Lugosi heads
(different Dracula expressions) thank you
We do have another Lugosi head in the works, but the sculptor has his hands full.
If you're not already on the mailing list, you might consider signing up to get the news
when it's ready. We promise not to flood your inbox. As for Dracula's Daughter,
Shadow Kreations is getting ready to put an old X-O Facto kit back on the market.
Jan.26,2024--Ken Spriggs
Are you planning a figure of IT! The terror from beyond space?
IIT! is a great subject but we have no immediate plans for a kit. You never know
what might happen.
Jan.24,2024--Ken K.
How about a model of Dr.Cyclops. Have it include the people he shrunk down to size.
We do appreciate suggestions and Dr. Cyclops would be a fun subject. He goes on the
list of possibilities. Thanks!

Howdy, I just ordered the full conversion kit for the Moebius Grim Reaper as I am a
HUGE fan of Tombs of the Blind Dead. I ordered the replacement head for the
Moebius Frankenstein and it was PHENOMENAL and I know this will be as well.
Thanks so much!
Your Blind Dead set is on the way! William Paquet did a fantastic job on the face and
graveyard bits.Rainer Engel rounded it out fantastically with the hood and sword.
Please share photos when you're finished.